Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Momma and the Sad Old Loser


been a while... but something happened to me yesterday that made me want to pull out a bat and smash random cars! and never grow old and senile! but before yesterday...

...Was a nice calm Saturday nite and Sunday doing homework at my house in South Jersey. For all you suckas out there that don't love your mom, you are pieces of trash. Unless your mom burned you with cigarettes or locked you in the cupboard like Harry Potter, or beat you like Papa Joe did Michael... than you have no excuse! Love your mom and treat her rite! My mom is the coolest and most best friend in my life. Sure she drives me crazy and does some Momish things, (like calling me at 6:57AM because she thought of reminding me that I should schedule a dentist appointment ...*sigh*... her excuse was she didn't want to forget so she called me as soon as the thought entered her mind) BUT I can talk to her about ANYthing and openly too. We talk about my school, my troubles, my relationship with God, my sex life... anything. That's my mom you suckas!

noooooow.... on to the morning that was Monday. Alright, so I got a ticket last week as I posted in my last entry. Yesterday morning I go to take my rent check and drop it off at the mailbox on the street. I live in Bloomfield and there's never any parking on the street, so I park on the corner of this building and run out my car real quick and put it in the mailbox. I get back in my car and wait for about 5 min looking behind me waiting to pull out into the street. Mind you, I'm parked on the outside corner of a building, up against the side of it parallel, so I couldn't see anybody parked on the other side of the wall running perpendicular to mine. So this OLD PATHETIC GEEZER backs up the SAME TIME as I do and we tap. When i say "tap", I literally mean TAP. This old guy gets out his car and starts getting all upset -

- while I was struggling to see more than a paint scratch. No dent. No dent, at all. On either of our cars!

So he begins to cry! Yes he begins to cry!!!! I wanted to tell that BN to buck the fuck up. lol... We exchange info and I tell him we can cover each other without using the insurance companies (evil people) and we both go on.

What I failed to understand is why people sweat their cars!? I mean c'mon. Its a giant piece of metal BUILT to sustain some damage. That's why we DRIVE it. IT IS MACHINERY!!!! NOT A TOY! NOT JEWELRY! NOT CLOTHING! People swear their cars make statements about them. When I'm driving the last thing I'm thinking about is how nice your car looks, and if I do, its for about 20 seconds, and then I'm back to the road minding my business. You are a pathetic loser if you sweat a paint scratch on your car. I'd get more angry over sneakers or clothing marks because people actually encounter me in those things. If I had a bangin ass suit and nice shoes lookin all fly n whatnot, who CARES about my car. Potential friends, mates, business clients, etc, are not waiting outside the building watching me pull up and judging me. They are interacting with me once I enter in the building.

GOOD LORD, don't ever let me get that sad when I'm old and all I've got left is a 2002 Thunderbird to be proud of!!!

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you ended this. But for your information Harry Potter's mother didn't burn him with cigarettes. His mom was years before the book started because his parents were killed when he was a baby. Actually no one burned him with cigarettes because it's a children's book. DUHHH.
